
  • The Henri Deschamps Literary Prize 2011

    The Henri Deschamps Literary Prize, in memory of the founder of the Maison Henri Deschamps, was created in 1974 by the members of the Board of Dire...
  • The caves of Haiti

    AYTI TOMA 2009 – The Lucienne Deschamps Foundation co-financed a speleological expedition during the months of September and October 2009. aimed at...
  • CD Publishing

     The foundation has funded the publication of CDs of the following artists: • DENISE CARRIE, - singer • RONY JOLICOEUR, singer • VOKALIS (CHOIR OF...
  • Lucienne Deschamps humanitarian prize 2010

    This prize honors personalities / institutions having, by their courage, their dedication, their abnegation, their work, their advice, and their ti...