The monthly publication of the review "The Educator", from 1986 to 1990, and the organization of the Education Fair on two occasions, in 1987 and 1989, were the first manifestations of another aspect of education. engagement of Henri Deschamps editions in the Haitian education system, in addition to the production of textbooks.

The Henri Deschamps Literary Prize, named after the founder of the Maison Henri Deschamps, was created in 1974 by the members of the board of directors of the company "Maison Henri Deschamps - Les entreprises Deschamps-Frisch S.A"

In order to develop art in children, an inter-school drawing competition has been held in schools across the country for 15 years. Twelve award-winning subjects are used to make fifty thousand (50,000) school calendars which are distributed throughout schools in Haiti.

The FLD offers substantial support to the development of football, tennis and particularly Boxing. The practice of sports as a training and educational tool is an important part of the Foundation's mission.

Funded research work by the GHESKIO group on the prevention of infectious diseases such as AIDS, funded the Association for the Prevention of Alcoholism and other Chemical Addictions (APAAC) and contributed to the operating costs of the Hospital from the community.