Rhoddy Attilus, Laureate of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize 2014

From left to right: Evains Weche-laureat 2013, Gary Victor, Rhoddy Attilus-laureat 2014, Kettly Mars, Peter Frisch, et Vilaire Chery
The Lucienne Deschamps Foundation and the Jury of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize are extremely pleased to announce to the general public, to Haitian literature enthusiasts and to all the candidate writers that the winning work of the he 2014 edition of the Deschamps Prize is “KÈKÈT AK JANMARI”, the novel by author Rhoddy ATTILUS, from Cap-Haitien, to whom the prize was awarded by a majority of 4 votes to 3.
This novel written in Creole attracted the attention of the Jury by the novelty of its language, which handles both richness and sobriety, humor and realism, and great finesse in the psychological treatment of the characters. In his novel, the author, Rhoddy Attilus, presents a slice of Capoise life and a table of the relationships between urban and rural life in a far North that he offers to readers in all its complexity, its charms and its features. contradictions
The Jury also decided to give a special mention to the finalist novel "Naïve Requiem for Honorine" by author Rousseau BLAISE (Issy-les-Moulineaux, France) for its mastery of the romantic genre and its endearing writing.
For this 2014 edition, the Lucienne Deschamps Foundation received a total of 56 manuscripts. Once again, the members of the Jury of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize had to look at texts of a very high quality. Four (4) manuscripts were in the running for the winning work. It is :
– Requiem naïf pour Honorine:
Auteur : Rousseau Blaise, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)
– Le Cimetière des miraculés :
Auteur : Jean Néhémy Pierre, Saint-Denis (France)
– Journal d’un porté disparu :
Auteur : Jean David Mezy, Montréal
– L’amour est bleu :
Auteure : Farah Angela Jean, Pétionville
Fait à Pétionville, le 27 octobre 2014
Pour le jury du Prix Littéraire Henri Deschamps
Kettly Mars, Présidente et
Marie Laurence Jocelyn Lassègue, Secrétaire du Prix
André Vilaire Chéry, membre
Rodney Saint-Éloi, membre
Françoise Beaulieu Thybulle, membre
Évelyne Trouillot, membre
Gary Victor, membre
Évains Wêche, membre – lauréat 2013