Prize-giving-Interschool Drawing Contest 2014
"The Riches of Haiti" is the theme chosen for the inter-school drawing competition 2014. The participants who submitted the best drawings of the competition have neglected nothing: the monuments, flowers and fruits of Haiti, not to mention our cultural and religious traditions such as carnival and fords.

Among hundreds of submissions, 36 drawings were selected to compose an exhibition presented at the Institut Français in Haiti. The twelve (12) best of the 36 drawings will illustrate the 2014-2014 school calendar of Maison Henri Deschamps.
However, four (4) drawings particularly caught the attention of the jury thanks to the choice of subject and the finesse of the drawing.
These are the drawings of:
1) Yvica Charles-Marc, les Tainos, 2e AF
2) Onsley Aristide, Collège Notre-Dame des Petits, 6e AF
3) Mathias Tolédano, Lycée Alexandre Dumas, 9e AF
4) Sophia Boyer, Sacré-Cœur, 3e secondaire
In addition to the drawing kit given to the 36 exhibition participants, the twelve winners and their schools each received a voucher. The 4 big winners received a drawing kit, a voucher and a touch pad
Les participants au concours de dessin se servant a la collation préparée a leur intention.
Les 36 participants a l’exposition de dessin accueillie par l’institut Français en Haiti.
Les douze (12) dessins gagnants.
Les douze (12) gagnants.