Henri Deschamps Literary Prize 2014 - Five finalist manuscripts selected

The jury of the Prix littéraire Henri Deschamps is pleased to announce to the public that following the deliberations held on Tuesday, September 30, 2014, it has chosen the five (5) finalist manuscripts for the competition for the Prix littéraire Henri Deschamps 2014. Fifty-six (56) manuscripts were received at the Lucienne Deschamps Foundation between March 10 and June 1, 2014, including twelve (12) from abroad and ten (10) from the province.
From left to right: Gary Victor. Evans Wêche, lauréat du prix Deschamps 2014, Kettly Mars, Présidente du jury, Vilaire Chéry, Françoise Thybulle.

The jury is pleased to remind you that the winner of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize will receive a bonus of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000.00) gourdes. He or she will benefit from the edition as well as the free printing of one thousand (1000) copies of his or her work along with one year of promotion. He or she will also serve for one year as judge on the literary prize jury.

The title of the winning manuscript will be announced during the month of November. The official presentation of the Prize will take place at a ceremony to be held in December 2014.

The Lucienne Deschamps Foundation and the jury of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize would like to thank all those who took part in the 2014 competition. The number of registrants and the quality of the manuscripts received testify to the creativity and the public interest. for literature in general and Haitian literature in particular.