Espace Lucienne Deschamps at the Roger Dorsinville library of the SHAA

The Haitian Society for Aid to the Blind (SHAA) inaugurated their sound library on May 13, 2014, at the Roger Dorsinville library premises located at 12, Rue Rocourt in Delmas 31 and names the space dedicated to collections on disability in the honor of Lucienne Deschamps, wife of Henri Deschamps.
Indeed, the Lucienne Deschamps Foundation (FLD) welcomed with great joy the news of this great honor because it was one of the first institutions to make its contribution to the said library by granting to the SHAA, in 2007, the right to convert Editions Deschamps school books into Braille.
The Foundation then works with authors of children's literature to enable SHAA to produce audio versions of these works without paying copyright. In 2009, the FLD made a point of supporting the Special School of Cayes by donating a photocopier and Braille typewriter, supplies, textbooks and school materials adapted to the visually impaired and visually impaired.
FLD's support to SHAA will continue in 2014 with the provision of the Maison Henri Deschamps recording studio for the free production of audiobooks.
The FLD is proud to join forces with the European Union, the Bibliothèque Sans Frontière, the FOKAL among other institutions, to support the SHAA in the production of sound works for a better integration of the visually impaired in the educational and cultural spheres.
M. Jefferson, le directeur de la bibliothèque sonore de la SHAA assisté par le technicien du studio d’enregistrement de la MHD, M. Roy
Evains Weche, lauréat 2013 du Prix Deschamps pour son recueil de nouvelles, “le trou du voyeur” enregistre la version sonore de son ouvrage sous l’invitation de la FLD dans le cadre de la collaboration de la FLD avec la SHAA