Dr. Henri Ford - Recipient of the Lucienne Deschamps Humanitarian Prize 2015

While pursuing a career in the United States, Dr. Ford has never forgotten his homeland, Haiti.
Also on May 22, 2015 it was a great first for Haiti. Under the leadership of Dr Henry Ford, Siamese babies were operated on at Mirebalais University Hospital. If such an operation would have been carried out in the United States it would have cost almost US $ 500,000.00 what the parents, Manoucheka and David Bernard could not have had, dooming these Siamese to live in their state a precarious existence. Thanks to the dedication and dynamism of Dr. Ford, surrounded by a solid team of doctors won over to his cause, here are these Siamese who have become twins who will of course remain inseparable but can now lead a normal life.
The following presentation will allow us to better discover Dr. Ford and his contribution to the Haitian community.